In the course of the natural aging process, the skin and deeper connective tissue structures of the lower eyelids grow slack. The fat protrusions in the lower eyelids are also known as “eye bags”. Partly hereditary, they can also appear in younger people, often giving the impression of sleep deprivation, particularly when they are accompanied by dark circles under the eyes.
The removal of eye bags and skin surplus of the lower eyelids requires an incision made directly below the lashes. Eye bags with no skin surplus can also be corrected with an incision on the inside of the lower eyelid (transconjunctival approach). This technique makes the scars virtually invisible. We prefer to perform comprehensive lower eyelid correction under twilight sedation, after which patients are welcome to spend a night in our clinic. The stitches and bandages are removed after 5-7 days, after which makeup may be applied.
In some cases, darker circles under the eyes can be improved without surgery on the eyelid, but by injecting fillers containing hyaluronic acid.
» Before and after pictures: lower eyelid lift (blepharoplasty, eye bag removal) » Surgery costs/prices lower eyelid lift, eyelid correction, eye bags, dark circles under the eyes.
Do you need more information? Please call 0951 – 208 77 890 to arrange an appointment for a non-binding consultation. We are happy to clarify your individual needs in a detailed conversation and you can enjoy the benefit of our expert advice at any time.
If you have to drive some distance to reach us, for instance from Schweinfurt, Coburg, Bayreuth, Hof, Erlangen, or Nuremberg, you should definitely combine your visit to our clinic with a short excursion to Bamberg’s beautiful medieval Old City, only minutes on foot from us. Bamberg, UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993. |